Alex ramirez

Coach Alex began playing soccer at five years old and never looked back. At age ten, he joined competitive club soccer and played for various local clubs, including the Vista Storm and Oceanside Breakers. After high school, the endless pursuit of playing at the highest level possible began. It was a journey that took him from local indoor leagues to professional indoor tournaments across southern California and finally to the San Diego Gunners and Temecula Quails, where he played at the semi-professional level. Alex prides himself on playing at a high level in every position on the field, including goalie, and claims it is why he has succeeded as a youth coach.

More About Coach Ramirez

  • USSF C Coaching License

  • San Marcos High School Girls Varsity Head Coach

  • Loves traveling, eating and immersing himself in other cultures

  • Founded a 501(c)3, Leaving Futprints, that raises money for underprivileged children to play recreational and club soccer